[AWS] Re: Ada Web Server status page

David Marceau davidmarceau@sympatico.ca
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 11:54:10 -0500

Darren Ingram wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to get a status page to work within AWS (1.2).
> I have my server setup as:
>       AWS.Server.Start (Web_Server => WS,
>                         Name       => "Status Test",
>                         Port => Port, --from command line
>                         Max_Connection => 10,
>                         Admin_URI => "/status_page",
>                         Callback   => status_cb'Access); --call back function
> within the call back function i have just made the server return a valid html page when requested, else it returns a 'page not found' page.
> When i run the program and request /status_page the program stops with a segmentation error - but works in other cases (eg requesting /index.html).  I have the aws_status.thtm and the .png files within the program directory.
> Do i need something in the call back routine to handle the showing of the status page?
> Thanks for any help
> Darren
1)compile with -g (that's with debug information)
2)gdb yourexecutable
3)when it displays the segmentation error, info stack [enter].
4)send your explicit results to the AWS mailing list mentioned below and
not CLA(comp.lang.ada).

I don't see anything odd about your statement above except that it
doesn't have the default "/Admin-Page" aws string value.

You got that "page not found" message because your admin_uri string
didn't match what you typed into your web browser.  If I do understand
correctly, it is case sensitive for the the uri string.
i.e. the following should display your status page.

To see exactly how it works checkout the ada_server_protocol_handler.adb
and search for admin_uri.

One more thing read the aws docs concerning the configuration.

Send any other questions to the Ada Web Server Mailing list:

AWS mailing list

I hope this helps :)

David Marceau