[University] Reg. difficulty in attempting course

Pierre-Marie de Rodat derodat at adacore.com
Wed Jan 31 10:23:36 CET 2018

Hello Sudarsan,

On 01/31/2018 06:55 AM, Sudarsan Balakrishnan wrote:
> export HOST="Linux" \
>          && cd GNAT_SDL\
>          && gprbuild -P gnat_sdl.gpr \
>          && gprinstall -P gnat_sdl.gpr --prefix=/usr/bin/ -p -f
> /bin/sh: 4: gprinstall: not found
> make: *** [mk_sdl] Error 127
> Could you kindly point me in a direction so that I could fix this error 
> and move on with the examples? I tried to locate a package titled 
> gprinstall without much success using synaptic.

It looks like you either forgot to install the GNAT GPL release or 
misinstalled it: the gprinstall program is part of it. Have you tried to 
follow the “getting started” instructions? 


Pierre-Marie de Rodat

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