[University] Installing SDL_ttf.dll

Bob Plested robert.plested at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 16:07:07 CEST 2015

Good morning.

I am reviewing the courses on university.adacore.com, and the bouncing
balls apps all require sdl_ttf.dll. I was able to locate the dll file on
libsdl.org, but there are no instructions on where to place the dll files.
When I put them in the same directory as the main.exe I get an error saying
that the application was unable to start correctly and lists what appears
to be a hex address 0xc000007b.

I know this is a little out of scope, but it does prevent usage of the
examples. Do you have any info on how to install SDL_tff, whether any
particular version is required, etc?

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