[University] Display library in Ada

Quentin Ochem ochem at adacore.com
Sun Nov 16 14:30:56 CET 2014

Dear Francesco,

I confirm that things should work fine with GNAT GPL 2013. The problem 
is likely to come from a setup issue. I would suggest to remove all 
AdaCore tools on your system, and re-install only 2013.

Best regards,

Quentin Ochem
Technical Account Manager

Tel: +33 (0)1 49 70 66 42
Cell: +33 (0)6 81 12 22 15
46 rue d'Amsterdam
75 009 Paris

Le 11/15/2014 4:37 PM, francesco a écrit :
> Dear Sir/Madame,
> I am following the course of Ada programming in your website.
> However in the exercise *Bouncing Ball* in the Overview section the
> libraries *Display* and *Display.basic *are used. The problem is that
> they are not present.
> There is written that the labs are run against GNAT GPL 2013 on the
> Windows. I also tried with this version but I did not resolve anything.
> Do you have any solution? Where can I find these library or what files
> should I download?
> Thanks in advance,
> Francesco Boi
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