[University] "Programming in the Large"/ Ada 003 Class - ?

Quentin Ochem ochem at adacore.com
Thu May 15 10:37:35 CEST 2014

Dear Al,

I apologize for the time it took to put this out - we has some internal 
stretch of resources. But the "Programming in the Large" lessons are 
finally out. You can access to them on:


Thanks for your interest in Ada!

Best regards,

Quentin Ochem
Technical Account Manager

Tel: +33 (0)1 49 70 66 42
Cell: +33 (0)6 81 12 22 15
46 rue d'Amsterdam
75 009 Paris

On 02/05/2014 20:30, Hegemann, Al J wrote:
> Good Afternoon AdaCore Folks,
> I've been touting your "introductory classes" to a number of the 
> newbie's and they are awaiting the  "Programming in the Large"" 
> Web-Based Training Class.
> >>>>>>>>>
> Programming in the Large
> This course will describe Ada programming features for developing 
> large applications, including exception handling, type safety, access 
> types, encapsulation, and genericity.
> http://u.adacore.com/
> >>>>>>>>>
> Is your next class in the excellent series, eminent - ?
> Thanks
> */Al Hegemann/*
> ULA Software Quality Assurance Manager
> United Launch Alliance
> Office: (303)269-7460
> Work Cell: (720)402-6605
> "/We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act 
> but a habit."/- Aristotle
> Former Ada Programmer for the Atlas V/Delta IV Expendable Launch 
> Vehicles (ELV)'s (for ~ ten (10) years), now SQA Manager of the Launch 
> System Software Systems Engineering (Flight and Ground Software).
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