[University] "Programming in the Large"/ Ada 003 Class - ?

Hegemann, Al J al.j.hegemann at ulalaunch.com
Fri May 2 20:30:33 CEST 2014

Good Afternoon AdaCore Folks,

I've been touting your "introductory classes" to a number of the newbie's and they are awaiting the  "Programming in the Large"" Web-Based Training Class.

Programming in the Large
This course will describe Ada programming features for developing large applications, including exception handling, type safety, access types, encapsulation, and genericity.

Is your next class in the excellent series, eminent - ?

Al Hegemann
ULA Software Quality Assurance Manager
United Launch Alliance
Office: (303)269-7460
Work Cell: (720)402-6605
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

Former Ada Programmer for the Atlas V/Delta IV Expendable Launch Vehicles (ELV)'s (for ~ ten (10) years), now SQA Manager of the Launch System Software Systems Engineering (Flight and Ground Software).


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