[PolyORB-users] Problem installing PolyORB on Ubuntu 10.10

Alex Miller reisnakealex at gmail.com
Sat Dec 18 13:45:08 CET 2010

Il 18/12/2010 12:36, Ludovic Brenta ha scritto:
> And I think this is because you did not read the man page for
> po_gnatdist, it says that po_gnatdist requires a configuration file on
> its command line.  (I agree that the error reporting is sub-optimal).
you are right (Thanks Ludovic and Xavier)! I'm sorry I usually test 
application using no flag or -version.
> More seriously: I was involved with the packaging of both gnat and
> polyorb for Debian.  I patched gnat so it could understand the new DSA
> protocol of polyorb; polyorb was also patched to work well with the
> version of gnat in Debian.  The amount of effort was significant; this
> implies that getting an arbitrary version of polyorb to compile and work
> with an arbitrary version of gnat is very non-trivial.
> So I think your best bet is still to use the Debian packages.  If you
> find a problem, report it to the Debian bug tracking system
> (http://bugs.debian.org).  You should use reportbug (package reportbug)
> for this; it will automatically collect information vital to our
> understanding the problem.
> The reason why I mention Debian is because all of the Ada packagers work
> on Debian and not Ubuntu.
I installed GNAT from ubuntu software center so i think it is yours 
patched version.
Now I have another problem! :(
I am testing an application reliable in this website:


and I've seen my professor compiling and executing it on Ubuntu!


1. I've entered the command:
"demo.sh" (a launcher that would compile and run application)
but it doesn't work and it returns the same error: "raised 

2. I've tried to enter the command:
"po_gnatdist ./obj/erat_quater.cfg"
and this is the output:
"/usr/bin/gnat make ./obj/erat_quater_monolithic_app.adb -c -k -P 
-aP/usr/share/ada/adainclude -aI/usr/share/ada/adainclude/polyorb 
-aO/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb -aL/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb -largs 
-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -L/usr/lib -lpolyorb-corba 
-lpolyorb-corba-dynamicany -lpolyorb-corba-iop -lpolyorb-corba-messaging 
-lpolyorb-corba-portableinterceptor -lpolyorb-corba-cos-event 
-lpolyorb-corba-cos-ir-impl -lpolyorb-corba-cos-naming 
-lpolyorb-corba-cos-notification -lpolyorb-corba-cos-time -lpolyorb-moma 
-lpolyorb-dsa -lpolyorb-giop -lpolyorb-giop-diop -lpolyorb-giop-iiop 
-lpolyorb-giop-miop -lpolyorb-setup
dist_app_project.gpr:2:09: there are no Ada sources in this project
processing failed
/usr/bin/gnat list erat_quater_monolithic_app.ali -q -V -P 
-aP/usr/share/ada/adainclude -aI/usr/share/ada/adainclude/polyorb 
-aO/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb -aL/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb
dist_app_project.gpr:2:09: there are no Ada sources in this project
processing failed
and DSA directory has been created but no executable has been created...

3. I have entered the command (taking a look at makefile):
"po_gnatdist -Isrc ./obj/erat_quater.cfg"

with this output:
"/usr/bin/gnat make ./obj/erat_quater_monolithic_app.adb -c -k -P 
-Isrc -aP/usr/share/ada/adainclude -aI/usr/share/ada/adainclude/polyorb 
-aO/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb -aL/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb -largs 
-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -L/usr/lib -lpolyorb-corba 
-lpolyorb-corba-dynamicany -lpolyorb-corba-iop -lpolyorb-corba-messaging 
-lpolyorb-corba-portableinterceptor -lpolyorb-corba-cos-event 
-lpolyorb-corba-cos-ir-impl -lpolyorb-corba-cos-naming 
-lpolyorb-corba-cos-notification -lpolyorb-corba-cos-time -lpolyorb-moma 
-lpolyorb-dsa -lpolyorb-giop -lpolyorb-giop-diop -lpolyorb-giop-iiop 
-lpolyorb-giop-miop -lpolyorb-setup
gnatmake: "./obj/erat_quater_monolithic_app.adb" is not a source of any 
/usr/bin/gnat list erat_quater_monolithic_app.ali -q -V -P 
-Isrc -aP/usr/share/ada/adainclude -aI/usr/share/ada/adainclude/polyorb 
-aO/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb -aL/usr/lib/ada/adalib/polyorb

and also here! DSA has been created but no executable! :(

I think this is my fault but I don't understand why...

I have to admit that I am not practical with Ada and Corba!

Thanks Ludovic!

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