[PolyORB-users] STORAGE_ERROR in polyorb.orb

Jérôme Hugues hugues at telecom-paristech.fr
Fri Nov 6 13:10:30 CET 2009

Le 6 nov. 09 à 10:21, Manuel Giollo a écrit :

> > > with PolyORB.Setup.Client;
> > > --pragma Warnings (Off, PolyORB.Setup.Client);
> > >
> > Default client setup assumes non-threading client. You need to  
> create
> > own setup or protect ORB from concurrent access (as you did) or ask
> > AdaCore to add multithread client setup. :-)
> >
> I'm not so sure that the protected ORB is a good solution due to the  
> possible bottleneck for all the cars enqueued (at most 30 thread  
> will be in the competition). If I would create a my own setup,  
> setting a polyorb.config file is enough, right?

no, you need to adapt PolyORB.Setup.Client. modifying polyorb.conf has  
no impact if you do not load the correct package that reads the values  
in polyorb.conf

Note Thomas is in the process of finalizing one for concurrent setup,  
and you'll be able to use that file in your setup

> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> [Switching to Thread 0xb7bb1b90 (LWP 6726)]
> polyorb.orb.try_check_sources (orb=0x8303000, this_task=...,  
> <orbF>=0) at /home/eva01iol/Documenti/Università/SCD/polyorb/polyorb- 
> gpl-2009-src/src/polyorb-orb.adb:302

we would need the full backtrace, not just the last call

Jérôme Hugues, TELECOM ParisTech

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