[PolyORB-users] [Debian packaging]Trying to build shared libs

Thomas Quinot quinot at adacore.com
Fri Mar 13 14:46:01 CET 2009

* Ludovic Brenta, 2009-03-12 :

> If we want to provide DSA, we must either choose a version of PolyORB
> that is compatible with PCS_Version=1 or backport the PCS_Version=3
> From GNAT GPL 2009 Edition into GCC 4.4.  The problem with backporting
> could be the licence: we cannot backport pure GPL software into the
> GMGPL run-time library of GCC, lest we change the license of the
> entire run-time library.  This problem disappears if someone convinces
> me that s-parint.ad[sb] is part of the compiler, not the run-time
> library.

I think the backport is the best option, the change is safe and well
isolated and there are no license issues (the version of s-parint in the
compiler distribution is not impacted at all, keep in mind that
PCS_Version is specific to each PCS variant!), the only impacted units
are pure GPL units in the compiler itself.

> These options are all open.  The one option that is not open at this
> point is to package GNAT GPL 2009 Edition (the compiler); I simply
> lack the manpower for that and Debian users have decided they prefer
> the run-time library to be GMGPL, just like for all other languages
> supported by GCC.

That's a pity since the GPL release includes matched compiler and
PolyORB versions that are known to be compatible.


Thomas Quinot, Ph.D. ** quinot at adacore.com ** Senior Software Engineer
               AdaCore -- Paris, France -- New York, USA

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