[PolyORB-users] Problem with Polyorb-No-Tasking

Luca luanic at libero.it
Tue Jul 28 21:02:51 CEST 2009

Thank you for your help, now the code I wrote runs well.

xavier grave ha scritto:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Luca a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> i'm trying to run a simple application using polyORB, in this
>> application I have a server and a client. The client is a task and it
>> call a delay.
>> The application compile in a right way, but when i try to run it, an
>> error occurs: an exception raised by polyorb-orb-no-tasking.
>> I think it is because I have not the right profile for tasking
>> (no-tasking instead of full-tasking), but i cannot understand how can I
>> change the tasking
>> profile. The Polyorb user's guide does not help me so much.
>> I attach the code of my simple application.
>> Someone can help me?
> I have modified your code, I hope the new version still do what you
> expect :)
> First I have removed any explicit call to polyorb following Hugues
> advice, your annex E code should be aware of polyorb, glade (annex E
> implementation with gnat GPL 2007) or whatever :)
> Than I have modified your .conf file, as far as I understand your
> package name you put in your partition should be remote_call_interfaces,
> and your tasko package isn't such package.
> Also the main procedure shouldn't be in the list of package of the
> partition.
> I have attached an archive we your sources modified. I hope it will help
> you.
> xavier
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> =b8/x

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