[PolyORB-users] Use of object.operation notation

Jérôme Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Mon May 19 12:48:58 CEST 2008

Le 19 mai 08 à 11:54, Maciej Sobczak a écrit :

> Hello,
> I have noticed that some of the key types used in PolyORB are not
> declared as tagged, even though they rather have to be.
> For example, the CORBA.Seqences.Unbounded (which renames
> PolyORB.Sequences.Unbounded) does not use "tagged" attribute in the
> public interface, even though it derives from Controlled privately.
> Using "tagged" in the public interface would allow to use more handy
> object.operation notation.
> Is the lack of "tagged" mandated by the mapping (I haven't found
> anything like this) or is it the PolyORB's implementation property?

It is mandated by the mapping, see p118 (or 5-26) of the 1.2 revision

package CORBA.Sequences.Unbounded is
     subtype Index_Range is Index_Type
         range 1 .. Index_Type'Last;
     subtype Length_Range is Index_Type'BASE
         range 0 .. Index_Type'Last;
     Null_Element_Array : Element_Array(1..0);
     type Sequence is private;

Jérôme Hugues, ENST Paris

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