[PolyORB-users] Use of object.operation notation

Maciej Sobczak prog at msobczak.com
Mon May 19 11:54:41 CEST 2008


I have noticed that some of the key types used in PolyORB are not 
declared as tagged, even though they rather have to be.
For example, the CORBA.Seqences.Unbounded (which renames 
PolyORB.Sequences.Unbounded) does not use "tagged" attribute in the 
public interface, even though it derives from Controlled privately.
Using "tagged" in the public interface would allow to use more handy 
object.operation notation.

Is the lack of "tagged" mandated by the mapping (I haven't found 
anything like this) or is it the PolyORB's implementation property?


Maciej Sobczak * www.msobczak.com * www.inspirel.com

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