[PolyORB-users] [DSA] a problem with record handling with polyorb

Jérôme Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Tue May 13 14:52:41 CEST 2008

Le 7 mai 08 à 10:52, xavier grave a écrit :

> I'm heavily relying on gnat glade GPL for our data acquisition  
> system. I
> have started the job to recompile everything with polyorb but I
> encounter some problems with the complex record I was used to pass  
> from
> partition to partition :
> raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : polyorb-any.adb:827 access check failed
> I will start to work on this in order to solve my problem but I would
> like to know if somebody would like to work with me on this.
> I join a .tar.gz of a simple code that run with gnat gpl 2007 but  
> fails
> with last svn polyorb compiled with gnat-4.3.

The "last" svn polyorb dsa personality cannot be compiled by fsf/gcc 4.3
(I'm assuming this is what you call gnat-4.3)

The rule of thumb for the dsa is to always pick a consistent pair of  
GNAT compiler and PolyORB/DSA (or glade)
The rationale is that GNAT generates specific calls to the API of the  
DSA PCS (should it be GLADE or PolyORB/DSA), so
they have to be synced.

So I do not know what pair of tools you used to build your system. Can  
you please detail ?

Jérôme Hugues, ENST Paris

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