[PolyORB-users] bug-report polyorb-gpl-2008 (polyorb-2.5.0w)

Thomas Quinot quinot at adacore.com
Fri Jul 18 15:43:25 CEST 2008

* Andry Ogorodnik, 2008-07-18 :

> hi all, polyorb-devel.
> on gnat-gpl-2008 compiler next bugs detected


For future issue reports, please be sure to include complete PolyORB and
GNAT version information, as outlined in docs/PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM.

PolyORB version info can be obtained using "polyorb-config --version";
GNAT version info can be obtained using "gnatls -v".

Thank you!

Thomas Quinot.

Thomas Quinot, Ph.D. ** quinot at adacore.com ** Senior Software Engineer
               AdaCore -- Paris, France -- New York, USA

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