[PolyORB-users] DSA configuration trouble: 'Connection refused' during LAN test.

Rod Kay rodkay at dodo.com.au
Sat Aug 16 05:41:45 CEST 2008

Hi folks,

   Congratulations on your wonderful progress with polyorb. Experimenting with 
the DSA personality over the past few weeks has been a pleasure.

   Two or three people from the #ada irc channel have formed a small dsa 
project, similar to older MUD's but with more modern media (sound/ still 
images, and so on).

   We would like to use Polyorb, and have built a simple metaserver/server dsa 
framework, on which to base the MUD. This prototype works very well when run 
on a single machine.

   At the moment, we are trying to configure the prototype to run across a 
LAN, but are having the problem mentioned in the title.

   This is the environment ... 

   external router:                               
   machine: orth (32 bit x86, ubuntu OS),
   machine: isen (64 bit x86, ubuntu OS),

   The application consists of a single 'metaserver' partition (a register for 
different servers), and several 'server' partitions.

   The partitions are built on 'orth', using libre's gpl08, with the 
corresponding polyorb source.

   The server partition (built on 'orth') is exported (along with required 
shared libs), to 'isen'.

   When testing on the LAN, we ...

   - on 'orth'
      - start a po_cos_naming server on 'orth'.
      - define POLYORB_DSA_NAME_SERVICE env var to 
corbaloc:iiop:1.2 at
      - start the metaserver partition.

   - on 'isen'
      - define POLYORB_DSA_NAME_SERVICE env var to 
corbaloc:iiop:1.2 at
      - start a server partition.

   This is where we strike our problem. When starting a server partition 
on 'isen', a connection seems to be made to the po_cos_naming server 
on 'orth' (we see new debugging output there). Then we encounter 
the 'connection refused' message, shown below ...

rod at isen:/kast/forge/anvil/ore/adalab/mud/applet/registrar/dsa/mud2$ ../bin/server_partition 
polyorb.utils.sockets: connect to failed: [111] Connection refused
polyorb.utils.sockets: connect to failed: [111] Connection refused
polyorb.utils.sockets: connect to failed: [111] Connection refused

   I'm not quite sure what is causing the connection refused, so don't have 
much idea how to proceed. Are there any security configuration options i 
would need to enable (or disable), to allow the app to function across a 
LAN ? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

   The source code is available via 

        svn co svn://orth5.dyndns.org/adalab

   ... should anyone be curious. It is *very* basic, and possibly naive. 
Suggestions also welcome, re the code, of course.


ps ... Allegra sends her love to yoogx ;-).

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