[PolyORB-users] bug-report polyorb-gpl-2008 (polyorb-2.5.0w)

Andry Ogorodnik andry.ogorodnik at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 12:17:32 CEST 2008

 Jérôme Hugues <hugues at infres.enst.fr> wrote:
> ok, goot to know that, thanks, will clarify this for Windows
> can you try just
> iac -o idls bfactorys.idl
> $ make
iac -hc -rs -c -o idls bfactorys.idl
iac -hc -rs -s -o idls bfactorys.idl
iac -hc -rs -c -o idls bfactorys_objects.idl
iac -hc -rs -s -o idls bfactorys_objects.idl
gnatmake -Ptest.gpr
bfactorys_objects_idl_hash.ads:1:13: illegal character
bfactorys_objects_idl_hash.ads:3:01: "end idls;" expected
bfactorys_objects_idl_hash.ads:3:09: illegal character
gnatmake: "d:\prog\ada\my\bug\polyorb\1\idls\bfactorys_objects-idl-skel.adb"
compilation error
make: *** [build] Error 4

package idls\Bfactorys_Objects_Idl_Hash is
function Hash (S : String) return Natural;
end idls\Bfactorys_Objects_Idl_Hash;

with "-o idls" option files created in idls directory but Hash files consist
wrong names.
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