[PolyORB-users] Mapping of valuetypes

Oliver Kellogg oliver.kellogg at eads.com
Mon Jan 17 11:38:49 CET 2005


Are there any plans for supporting valuetypes in PolyORB?

I saw that the old AdaBroker used to support them (at least partially?)
In AdaBroker's package CORBA.AbstractBase, you added a Set operation
for associating Value_Impl objects with Value_Ref objects.
IMHO this Set operation is absolutely indispensable (at least when no
factories are defined in the IDL) but it is missing from the 01-10-42
mapping standard. So I think I will write a revision request to the Ada RTF
to add this operation in AbstractBase (unless you have already done that?)

BTW, the Ada Language Mapping 1.3 revision has been scheduled:


so this seems like a good time for such proposals :-)

Oliver M. Kellogg

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