[PolyORB-users] INSTALL should recommend libtool version

Martin Krischik krischik at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jan 16 10:07:00 CET 2005

Am Samstag, 15. Januar 2005 22:40 schrieb Jerome Hugues:
> Hi Simon,
> Simon Wright (simon at pushface.org):
> > I used 'make distclean' which seemed to do the job -- but this may not
> > work when a previous configure stage has failed. And I wasn't using a
> > CVS tree at the time.
> make distclean is not supposed to remove all automake cache files, as
> defined here:
> http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/localfiles/infofiles/make/make_118.html
> Martin's script does the work, by removing: aclocal.m4,
> autom4te.cache, and some files from support
> AFAIK, there is no standard target to remove all automake related
> files to ease migration from one automake version to another.

I had the problem because I test on 3 targets (Window, Linux .686, Linux 
x86_64) and all had different automake version.

The sad news is that only Linux .686 works flawless and the fixes needed for 
the other two targets are inside the automake environment.

To remind you:

x86_64 needs -fPIC.
Windows has a max. comandline lenght of 8192.


Martin Krischik
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