[PolyORB-users] Naming Service won't start without internet connection

Vadim Godunko vgodunko at rost.ru
Sat Jan 8 22:21:40 CET 2005

Martin Krischik wrote:
> When starting po_names withot internet connection I get a socket error:
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |po_names
> |polyorb.initialization: Initialization of access_points.uipmc failed:
> |Message: [19] No such device
> |
> |
> |raised GNAT.SOCKETS.SOCKET_ERROR : [19] No such device
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is known issue. You don't have default route. ;-)

> If I do the same with internet connection up all goes well:
Internet connection setup default route.

You may take normal behavior if you define default route or disable 
uipmc access point.

Vadim Godunko

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