[PolyORB-users] Pb with a hello example

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Sun Feb 20 17:30:10 CET 2005

Hello Marc,

Marc Colinet (m.colinet at 9online.fr):

> I use Gnat3.15p and PolyORB-1.1r and I am a beginner.

As a first step, I encourage you to upgrade to GCC 3.4.x, PolyORB
1.2r, this will solve a bunch of bugs.

> After having compiled files generated from IDL (a "hello" simple 
> example), an error message appears when I try to execute the server :
> polyorb.initialization: Initialization of access_points.uipmc failed: 
> Message: [19] No such device
> raised GNAT.SOCKETS.SOCKET_ERROR : [19] No such device
> Somebody told me that the problem could be caused by ethernet 
> card/driver... But I don't know how to repear it if it is the case.

The problem is likely to be caused by your main ethernet interface
that is not multicast capable. 

> What is the solution ? 

A work-around is to disable the MIOP personality. See the User's guide
and PolyORB's configuration file for more details

> Did you ever have such a problem ?

Already reported on the list ;), you can browse the archives for other
discussion on that subject.



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