[PolyORB-users] Re: Error passing float sequence to server

Will Normand wnormand at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 09:08:41 CEST 2005

> > Running SuSE Linux, kernel 2.4.20-64GB-SMP on i686.
> > GNAT 3.4.1
> > polyorb-1.2r
> I suppose you mean GCC/GNAT 3.4.1. Did you compile it yourself ? or
> was it provided by SuSE ?
Yesh, GCC-3.4.1 with GNAT.  Compiled myself (using older versions of
gcc and gnat from the SuSE dist.

> Besides, note that 1.2r is a few months old. Several improvements have
> been made with respect to the performance of sequence marshalling. I
> think updating PolyORB might be an option.
OK, but I cannot access the CVS because of a firewall, and there has
not been a snapshot since before 1.2r.  Could you release a new
snapshot please.


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