[PolyORB-users] Re: Error passing float sequence to server

Jerome Hugues hugues at infres.enst.fr
Wed Apr 13 14:58:22 CEST 2005

Hi Will

Will Normand (wnormand at gmail.com):

> > Can you please detail your setup ? if you are using the CVS version,
> > you'll find the a form in doc/PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM

> Running SuSE Linux, kernel 2.4.20-64GB-SMP on i686.
> GNAT 3.4.1
> polyorb-1.2r

I suppose you mean GCC/GNAT 3.4.1. Did you compile it yourself ? or
was it provided by SuSE ?

Besides, note that 1.2r is a few months old. Several improvements have
been made with respect to the performance of sequence marshalling. I
think updating PolyORB might be an option.

> > Can you please detail the values that cause this problem ?
> > Is there a threshold that triggers it ?

> Using the Orbacus Name Server, a number of floats in the ranges 31--42
> and 123--134 causes the problem.  No other payloads up to 2000 floats
> produce the error.
> Using the po_cos_naming errors occur in the range 175--200.  

I can hardly figure out why such thing would depend on the COS Naming
used, or the length.

Did you try without depending on the COS Naming ?

Did you compile PolyORB with debug on ? if so, can you please provide
the debug information attached to your test ?


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