[gvd-users] A few questions about gvd

David Brown gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 12:46:50 +0200

> You are subscribed (otherwise you would have received a message telling
> that your post is on hold, waiting for approval).

Yes, I'm definitely subscribed now.  Perhaps I misunderstood the message on
the mailing list sign-up form.

> > It seems that gvd slowly leaks memory on w2k.  If I remember rightly,
> > gvd developers thought this was a gtk+ problem (freeciv used to have the
> > same problem, and it also uses gtk+).  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is
> > fixed in newer versions of gtk (as far as I know, it is no longer a
> > in freeciv, although I haven't tried it for some time)?  Or will gvd be
> > moved over to gtk 2.0 at some point?
> GVD (under one form or another, posibly GPS) will be moved to 2.0 at some
> point, will may indeed solve the problem.
> You may also want to rebuild GVD with a newer version of Gtk+ 1.3,
although this
> is not a trivial task. We have no plans for upgrading the version of Gtk+
> used to build GVD 1.2.x

Sounds fair enough - I'll look forward to new versions in the future.  The
memory leak is very slow, and I've got a fair amount of ram in my PC, so
it's not a problem.

> > Is there any way to change the size of the tabs in the source view?
> > indented C code runs out of the window at 8 spaces per tab.
> If I rmeember well, there's a constant in the source code that would allow
> to change this setting, but there's apparently no preference or user level
> settings for that, so you would need to rebuild GVD.

Sometime I will try rebuilding GVD from source (I have plans to look closely
at Ada for cross-compilation work - getting gnat working for the PC will be
the first step, and rebuilding GVD should then be easy).  But this is surely
a setting that should be added to the user preferences at some point?

> > The explorer window shows all my C files, along with C files for all the
> > library routines that are included in the project - is there anyway to
> > them being shown?  Choosing "Delete Files Not Found" does not work - it
> > simply removes all the files.  In the "h files" sub-tree, all my headers
> > all the library headers are shown, and they are each shown several times
> > (once for each time they are included in a C file somewhere).  Is there
> > someway to avoid this?  Do other people get the same effects?  Perhaps
> > is something I could change in my linker options to avoid this?  (I'm
> > a patched cross-compiler version of gcc-2.95.3).
> All GVD does is display the result of the gdb command "info sources",
> so if you have duplicates, this is because the debug info contains
> sources, which may not actually be duplicates (e.g. same source file, but
> with different source). Also, I suspect depending on your source search
> path settings, different relative paths may account for this difference.
> Probably something that can be improved in your build procedures.

Thanks for that tip - I've looked at "info sources" directly from
command-line gdb, and that expalins it.  You are also correct that different
relative paths explains the duplication (I have some of my project compiled
as libraries, so the headers there have different relative paths depending
on whether I'm compiling library modules or main code modules).  The next
step then is for me to look at the symbols in the elf file, and see if I can
prune them a bit.  If I can remove the standard library headers and source
files, it would be a big improvement - I'll still have a bit of duplication
of my own headers, but that's not too bad.

> Arno

Thanks for the help!
