[gvd-users] target remote debugging - help

Ole Hansen gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Sat, 4 May 2002 12:25:52 +0200

> Hello gvd-users
> We use gvd with pleasure every day.
> Does anybody know a hint on the following problem:
> If we use the 'target remote ipaddr:port' command in the .gdbinit like
> this
> target remote target1:2341
> handle SIGUSR1 nostop
> handle SIGUSR1 noprint
> handle SIGUSR2 nostop
> handle SIGUSR2 noprint
> GVD connect nicely in first place, but then asks if it should kill the
> existing running debugger.
> Same problem exists if you try to save this as a session.
> If you by hand enter the command:
> target remote target1:2341
> in the GDB - window, it works fine.
> The: 
> handle SIGUSR1 nostop
> handle SIGUSR1 noprint
> handle SIGUSR2 nostop
> handle SIGUSR2 noprint
> works fine from .gdbinit
> best regards
> ole@danelec.dk
> * danelec electronics a/s
> * Blokken 44
> * DK-3460 Birkeroed
>  * Phone: +45 45821879
>   * Fax:  +45 45821979
>    * Email: ole@danelec.dk
>     * http://www.danelec.dk
>      * ftp://ftp.danelec.dk
>       * Radio call sign: oz1jru
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