[gvd-users] GVD window arrangement

David Brown gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 14:31:15 +0200

>Hi David,
>> I am currently using GVD along with a cross-debugger for debugging and
>> embedded system based on a Motorola 68332 processor.  So far, I have been
>> very pleased with how easy it was to get GVD working with my specific
>> version of gdb, and I have it working fine on both Linux and Windows -
>> thanks to the gvd developers!
>Concerning giving gdb command line options to gvd, you should use the
>--dargs argument, e.g:
>gvd --dargs -x init.gdb
>Concerning the window rearragement, the development version of GVD uses
>a very powerful MDI widget that can handle the window in any way, but
>even with the current version, you could simply separate the Data Window
>(menu Edit->Preferences, Tab "Data", check box "Separate Window") and use
>the separators (click on the little square that surrounds the separator
>lines between the data window, the source window and the console window)
>to change the height of the source and console windows.
>See the documentation for more details.

Thank you very much - you've solved both my problems.  I thought I *had*
read through the documentation, but I missed both these points.  Making the
data window seperate makes it much easier to get a neat display.

David Brown