[gvd-users] adding blue dots

Ramon Fernandez Marina gvd-users@lists.act-europe.fr
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 10:55:40 +0200

On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 07:56:36PM -0700, Jon Fram wrote:
> I'm tantalizingly close to getting gvd working.  When I run my test program
> (see below) I only get one blue dot in my source window (on line 6), and I
> am only able to add breakpoints up to line 6.  If I try adding a breakpoint
> at line 8 I get 'No line 8 in file "test.c".'  How do I get gvd to recognize
> the other lines in test.c, and thus allow me to really step through the
> program?

  Well, gvd 1.1.0 works well with this code (gcc -g -o test test.c):
  I can put breakpoints anywhere and debug as usual.

  However, I can't see "test.c" in the source tree under the "c
  files" section; only frame.c appears there :(

Ramón Fernández Marina  
IEEE & CS Student Member  <r.fernandez@{ieee,computer}.org>