[gvd-devel] GVD 1.2.5 bug report; display erased attempting to examine array formal parameter.

Nash, D. LTC EECS dd9875@exmail.usma.army.mil
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 17:09:55 -0400

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Content-Type: text/plain;

> Oops, hit the send button by mistake on my previous message before
> finishing ...
> Dear friends,
> Enclosed please find a main subprogram proj4.adb, with supporting packages
> (still being debugged, by the way :) ).  I have noticed what may be a bug
> in GVD 1.2.5 while debugging this program.  The development environment is
> as follows:
> Solaris 7
> GNAT version 3.13p
> GtkAda version 1.3.12
> Here are the steps that will reproduce the bug for me:
> 1)  Enable a breakpoint on line # 123 of huffman.adb.
> 2)  Run to the breakpoint.
> 3)  Pass the mouse cursor over any mention of the parameter Freq_Array
> within the surrounding subprogram Build_Huffman_Tree.  Whereas one would
> expect the value of the array to be displayed as a tooltip, the display
> vanishes.  I notice the same behavior attempting to right-click
> Freq_Array.  Freq_Array is declared in huffman.ads as
>    type Frequency_Array is array(Character) of Natural;
> Very cordially,
> David A. Nash
> Computer Support Group
> Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
> Thayer Hall, bldg. 601, room 1115
> (845) 938-5575 (voice)     (845) 938-5956 (fax)
>  <<huffman_tree.adb>>  <<huffman_tree.ads>>  <<linked_list3.adb>>  
> <<linked_list3.ads>>  <<proj4.adb>>  <<thefile.txt>> 

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
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with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation, Ada.Text_IO;
use  Ada.Text_Io;

package body Huffman_Tree is

   procedure Free is
      new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation( String, String_Ptr );

   -- Purge_Considered_Tree --

   --  Walk through the list, deleting any nodes for which the
   --  "considered" field is marked as True.

   procedure Purge_Considered_Tree
     ( Tree_List    : in out Tree_List_Pack.List )
      Pointer  : Tree_List_Pack.Position;
      Tree     : Huffman_Tree;
      if not Tree_List_Pack.Is_Empty( Tree_List ) then
         Pointer :=3D Tree_List_Pack.First( Tree_List );


            --  Retrieve the record indicated by the pointer:

            Tree :=3D Tree_List_Pack.Retrieve( Pointer, Tree_List );

            if Tree.Considered then
               Tree_List_Pack.Delete( Tree_List, Pointer );
               Tree_List_Pack.Advance( Pointer, Tree_List );
            end if;

         end loop;

      end if;

   end Purge_Considered_Tree;

   -- Accumulate_Character_Frequencies --

   procedure Accumulate_Character_Frequencies
     (Text       : in     String;
      Freq_Array : in out Frequency_Array)
      for I in Text'Range loop
         Freq_Array(Text(I)) :=3D Freq_Array(Text(I)) + 1;
      end loop;
   end Accumulate_Character_Frequencies;

   -- Build_Huffman_Tree --

   function Build_Huffman_Tree
     (Freq_Array : Frequency_Array)
      return Huffman_Tree
      Result        : Huffman_Tree :=3D null;
      List_Of_Trees : Tree_List_Pack.List;
      Huff_Tree     : Huffman_Tree;

      Small_Tree1, Small_Tree2 : Huffman_Tree;
      Union_Tree               : Huffman_Tree;
      -- Initialize the list of trees:

      Tree_List_Pack.Make_Empty( List_Of_Trees );

      -- Initialize the list by inserting single-node trees for each
      -- of the characters with non-zero frequencies:

      for I in Freq_Array'Range loop
         if Freq_Array(I) > 0 then
            Huff_Tree :=3D new Huffman_Record;
            Huff_Tree.Char       :=3D I;
            Huff_Tree.Weight     :=3D Freq_Array(I);
            Huff_Tree.Left       :=3D null;
            Huff_Tree.Right      :=3D null;
            Huff_Tree.Considered :=3D False;

              ( Huff_Tree, List_Of_Trees );
         end if;
      end loop;

      -- Merge the trees of smallest weight until we're left with one
      -- tree:

      while Tree_List_Pack.Count( List_Of_Trees ) > 1 loop
         Put_Line( Natural'Image
                   ( Tree_List_Pack.Count( List_Of_Trees ) ) & " =
subtrees" );
         Small_Tree1 :=3D Find_Tree_Of_Smallest_Weight( List_Of_Trees =
         Purge_Considered_Tree( List_Of_Trees );

         Small_Tree2 :=3D Find_Tree_Of_Smallest_Weight( List_Of_Trees =
         Purge_Considered_Tree( List_Of_Trees );

         Union_Tree        :=3D new Huffman_Record;
         Union_Tree.Left   :=3D Small_Tree1;
         Union_Tree.Right  :=3D Small_Tree2;
         Union_Tree.Weight :=3D Small_Tree1.Weight + =

         -- ... and add their union:

           ( Union_Tree, List_Of_Trees );

         Put_Line( Natural'Image
                   ( Tree_List_Pack.Count( List_Of_Trees ) ) & " =
subtrees" );
      end loop;

      -- Return that single tree as the result:

      Result :=3D
        Tree_List_Pack.Retrieve( Tree_List_Pack.First( List_Of_Trees ) =

      return Result;
   end Build_Huffman_Tree;

   -- DecodeFile --

   procedure DecodeFile (Input_File : String) is
   end DecodeFile;

   -- Encode_File --

   procedure Encode_File (Input_File : String) is

      Current_Max_Line_Length : Positive :=3D 500;
      Buffer                  : String_Ptr;
      Encode_Freq_Array       : Frequency_Array        :=3D ( others =
=3D> 0 );
      Handle                  : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
      NumCharsRead            : Natural                :=3D =
      TheTree                 : Huffman_Tree           :=3D null;

      -- Allocate a string buffer:

      Buffer     :=3D new String( 1 .. Current_Max_Line_Length );
      Buffer.all :=3D ( others =3D> '@' );

      -- Open the file:

      Ada.Text_IO.Open( Handle, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Input_File );

      -- Count the number of characters in the file.  If necessary,
      -- increase the size of the buffer to accomodate longer lines:

      while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File( Handle ) loop

            Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line( Handle, Buffer.all, NumCharsRead );
            Accumulate_Character_Frequencies( Buffer.all, =
Encode_Freq_Array );

            when CONSTRAINT_ERROR =3D>
               -- Increase the current maximum size:
               Current_Max_Line_Length :=3D Current_Max_Line_Length + =

               -- Release the previous buffer:

               -- Allocate the new larger buffer:
               Buffer     :=3D new String( 1 .. Current_Max_Line_Length =
      end loop;

      Ada.Text_IO.Close( Handle );

      -- Construct the Huffman tree using these characters and
      -- weights:

      TheTree :=3D Build_Huffman_Tree( Encode_Freq_Array );

      when Ada.Text_IO.NAME_ERROR =3D>
           ( "Error in call to Encode_File: the file " & Input_File &
             " was not found." );

   end Encode_File;

   -- Find_Pattern --

   function Find_Pattern
     (Char : Character)
      return String
      return Find_Pattern (Char);
   end Find_Pattern;

   -- Find_Tree_Of_Smallest_Weight --

   -- Return the tree whose weight is minimum among all of the trees
   -- in the parameter Tree_List.  We will be invoking this function
   -- twice consecutively to find the two such smallest trees, so in
   -- order to avoid returning the same tree twice, we mark the
   -- smallest tree prior to its return by changing its Considered
   -- field to True.

   function Find_Tree_Of_Smallest_Weight
     (Tree_List : Tree_List_Pack.List)
      return Huffman_Tree
      Result : Huffman_Tree :=3D null;
      Tree   : Huffman_Tree :=3D null;
      Tree_Pointer : Tree_List_Pack.Position;
      -- This is just an O(n) search through the whole list for the
      -- one with smallest weight.  Start with the head of the list:

      Tree_Pointer :=3D Tree_List_Pack.First( Tree_List );
      Result       :=3D Tree_List_Pack.Retrieve( Tree_Pointer );

      Tree :=3D Result;

      while not Tree_List_Pack.Is_Last( Tree_Pointer, Tree_List ) loop

         -- Point to the next item in the list:

         Tree_List_Pack.Advance( Tree_Pointer, Tree_List );
         Tree :=3D Tree_List_Pack.Retrieve( Tree_Pointer );

         -- If it hasn't previously been considered as a minimum, test
         -- to see if it's got the smallest weight that we've seen so =

         if not Tree.Considered then
            if Tree.Weight < Result.Weight then
               Result :=3D Tree;
            end if;
         end if;

      end loop;

      Result.Considered :=3D True;
      return Result;
   end Find_Tree_Of_Smallest_Weight;

   -- Merge_Trees --

   procedure Merge_Trees
     (Tree1, Tree2 : in out Huffman_Tree;
      Tree_List    : in out Tree_List_Pack.List)
   end Merge_Trees;

   -- Print_Huffman_Tree --

   procedure Print_Huffman_Tree
     (Tree1 : in     Huffman_Tree;
      File  : in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type)
   end Print_Huffman_Tree;

end Huffman_Tree;

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Linked_List3;

package Huffman_Tree is

   type Frequency_Array   is array(Character) of Natural;
   type String_Ptr        is access String;
   type Bit_Pattern_Array is array(Character) of String_Ptr;

   type Huffman_Record;
   type Huffman_Tree is access Huffman_Record;
   type Huffman_Record is record
      Char       : Character     := '@';
      Weight     : Natural       := 0;
      Left       : Huffman_Tree  := null;
      Right      : Huffman_Tree  := null;
      Considered : Boolean       := False;
   end record;

   package Tree_List_Pack is new Linked_List3(Huffman_Tree, "=");

   procedure Accumulate_Character_Frequencies
     (Text       : in     String;
      Freq_Array : in out Frequency_Array);

   function Find_Tree_Of_Smallest_Weight
     (Tree_List : Tree_List_Pack.List) return Huffman_Tree;

   procedure Merge_Trees
     (Tree1, Tree2 : in out Huffman_Tree;
      Tree_List    : in out Tree_List_Pack.List);

   function Build_Huffman_Tree
     (Freq_Array : Frequency_Array) return Huffman_Tree;

   procedure Print_Huffman_Tree
     (Tree1 : in     Huffman_Tree;
      File  : in out Ada.Text_IO.File_Type );

   function Find_Pattern
     (Char : Character) return String;

   procedure Encode_File(Input_File : String);

   procedure DecodeFile(Input_File : String );
end Huffman_Tree;

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
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Content-Disposition: attachment;

with Ada.Text_IO;
use  Ada.Text_IO;

with Unchecked_Deallocation;

-- This implementation uses a header node
-- Thus Initialize and Finalize must be defined

package body Linked_List3 is

   procedure TraverseList( L : List ) is
      P: Position :=3D L.Header.Next;
      while P /=3D null loop
         ProcessOneElement( P.Element );
         P :=3D P.Next;
      end loop;

   end TraverseList;

    -- Advance P to the next node
    -- Note that L is unused in this implementation
    procedure Advance( P: in out Position; L: List ) is
        if P =3D null then
            raise Advanced_Past_End;
            P :=3D P.Next;
        end if;
    end Advance;

    procedure Dispose is new Unchecked_Deallocation( Node, Position );

    -- Return position of X in L
    -- Raise Item_Not_Found if appropriate
    function Find( X: Element_Type; L: List ) return Position is
        P: Position :=3D L.Header.Next;
        while P /=3D null and then P.Element /=3D X loop
            P :=3D P.Next;
        end loop;

        if P =3D null then
            raise Item_Not_Found;
        end if;

        return P;
    end Find;

    -- Return position prior to X in L
    -- Raise Item_Not_Found if appropriate
    -- Here we use a trick: we don't test for
    -- a null pointer, but instead catch the
    -- constraint_error that results from
    -- dereferencing it
    function Find_Previous( X: Element_Type; L: List ) return Position =
        P: Position :=3D L.Header;
        while  P.Next.Element /=3D X loop
            P :=3D P.Next;
        end loop;
        return P;

        when Constraint_Error =3D>
            raise Item_Not_Found;

    end Find_Previous;

    -- Return first position in list L
    function First( L: List ) return Position is
        return L.Header.Next;
    end First;

    -- Return true if X is in list L; false otherwise
    -- The algorithm is to perform a Find, and if the
    -- Find fails, an exception will be raised.
    function In_List( X: Element_Type; L: List ) return Boolean is
        P : Position;
        P :=3D Find( X, L );
        return True;
        when Item_Not_Found =3D>
            return False;
    end In_List;

    -- Insert after Position P
    -- Note that L is unused
    procedure Insert( X: Element_Type; L: in out List; P: Position ) is
        if P =3D null then
            raise Item_Not_Found;
            P.Next :=3D new Node'( X, P.Next );
        end if;

        L.Num_Elements :=3D L.Num_Elements + 1;
    end Insert;

    -- Insert X as the first element in list L

    procedure Insert_As_First_Element( X: Element_Type; L: in out List =
) is
       -- Check to make sure that the list has been intialized:
       if L.Header =3D null then
          Put_Line( Standard_Error,
                    "Error in call to Insert_As_First_Element: " &
                    "you forgot to call Make_Empty first!" );
          Insert( X, L, L.Header );
       end if;
    end Insert_As_First_Element;

    procedure Insert_As_Last_Element( X: Element_Type; L: in out List ) =

       P : Position :=3D L.Header;

       -- Check to make sure that the list has been intialized:
       if L.Header =3D null then
          Put_Line( Standard_Error,
                    "Error in call to Insert_As_Last_Element: " &
                    "you forgot to call Make_Empty first!" );
          -- Find the tail element of the list:

          while P.Next /=3D null loop
             P :=3D P.Next;
          end loop;

          -- Perform the insertion here:

          Insert( X, L, P );
       end if;
    end Insert_As_Last_Element;

    -- Return true if L is empty; false otherwise
    function Is_Empty( L: List ) return Boolean is
        return L.Header.Next =3D null;
    end Is_Empty;

    -- Checks if P is last cell in the list
    function Is_Last( P: Position; L: List ) return Boolean is
        return P /=3D null and then P.Next =3D null;
    end Is_Last;

    -- If the List has not been initialized,
    -- allocate the header node
    -- Otherwise, call Delete_List
    procedure Make_Empty( L: in out List ) is
        if L.Header =3D null then
            L.Header :=3D new Node;
            L.Header.Next :=3D null;
            Delete_List( L );
        end if;
    end Make_Empty;

    -- Return item in Position P
    -- Note that L is unused in this implementation
    function Retrieve( P: Position; L: List ) return Element_Type is
        if P =3D null then
            raise Item_Not_Found;
            return P.Element;
        end if;
    end Retrieve;

    -- Return item in Position P
    function Retrieve( P: Position ) return Element_Type is
        if P =3D null then
            raise Item_Not_Found;
            return P.Element;
        end if;
    end Retrieve;

    -- Private routine to delete a list
    -- This is the routine that Make_Empty calls
    procedure Delete_List( L: in out List ) is
        P   : Position :=3D L.Header.Next;
        Temp: Position;
        L.Header.Next :=3D null;
        while P /=3D null loop
            Temp :=3D P.Next;
            Dispose( P );
            P :=3D Temp;
        end loop;
    end Delete_List;

    function  Count
      ( L : List ) return Natural is
       return L.Num_Elements;
    end Count;

    procedure Delete
      ( L: in out List; P : in out Position ) is

       Temp : Position;

       if Is_Empty( L ) then

          -- Empty list:

       elsif L.Num_Elements =3D 1 then

          -- Single-element list:

          Dispose( L.Header.Next );


          -- Find the predecessor of the target:

          Temp :=3D L.Header;

          while Temp.Next /=3D P loop
             Temp :=3D Temp.Next;
          end loop;

          -- Cause the predecessor to point to target's sucessor:

          Temp.Next :=3D Temp.Next.Next;
          Dispose( P );

       end if;

       L.Num_Elements :=3D L.Num_Elements - 1;
    end Delete;

end Linked_List3;

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
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-- Generic Package Specification for Linked_Lists

    type Element_Type is private;
    with function "="( Left, Right: Element_Type ) return Boolean;

package Linked_List3 is
    type Position is private;
    type List is limited private;

    procedure Advance( P: in out Position; L: List );

    function  Find
      ( X: Element_Type; L: List ) return Position;

    function  Find_Previous
      ( X: Element_Type; L: List ) return Position;

    function  First
      ( L: List )                  return Position;

    procedure Insert
      ( X: Element_Type; L: in out List; P: Position );

    procedure Insert_As_First_Element
      ( X: Element_Type; L: in out List );

    procedure Insert_As_Last_Element
      ( X: Element_Type; L: in out List );

    procedure Delete
      ( L: in out List; P : in out Position );

    function  Is_Empty
      ( L: List )              return Boolean;

    function  Is_Last
      ( P: Position; L: List ) return Boolean;

    procedure Make_Empty
      ( L: in out List );

    function  Retrieve
      ( P: Position; L: List ) return Element_Type;

    function  Retrieve
      ( P: Position )          return Element_Type;

    function  Count
      ( L : List )             return Natural;

       with procedure ProcessOneElement( TheElement : in out Element_Type );

    procedure TraverseList( L : List );

    Item_Not_Found    : exception;
    Advanced_Past_End : exception;

    type Node is
        Element : Element_Type;
        Next    : Position;
      end record;

    type Position is access Node;

    type List is record
       Header       : Position;
       Num_Elements : Natural := 0;
    end record;

    procedure Delete_List( L: in out List );

end Linked_List3;

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

with Ada.Text_IO;               use Ada.Text_IO;
with Huffman_Tree;

-- GetChoice
-- DisplayMenu
-- GetFileName

procedure Proj4 is


   Huffman_Tree.Encode_File( "thefile.txt" );

end Proj4;

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Disposition: attachment;

