[gvd-devel] GVD 1.2.5 bug report; display erased attempting to tooltip array formal parameter.

Nash, D. LTC EECS dd9875@exmail.usma.army.mil
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 17:01:19 -0400

Dear friends,

Enclosed please find a main subprogram proj4.adb, with supporting packages
(still being debugged, by the way :) ).  I have noticed what may be a bug in
GVD 1.2.5 when debugging this program.  The development environment is as

Solaris 7
GNAT version 3.13p
GtkAda version 1.3.12

Here are the steps that will reproduce the bug for me:

1)  Enable a breakpoint on line # 123 of huffman.adb.

2)  Run to the breakpoint.

3)  Pass the mouse cursor over any mention of the parameter Freq_Array
within the surrounding subprogram Build_Huffman_Tree.  Whereas one would
expect the value of the array to be displayed as a tooltip, the display
vanishes.  I notice the same behavior attempting to right-click Freq_Array.
Freq_Array is declared in huffman.ads as

David A. Nash
Computer Support Group
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thayer Hall, bldg. 601, room 1115
(845) 938-5575 (voice)     (845) 938-5956 (fax)