[gvd-devel] CVS checkout?

Arnaud Charlet gvd-devel@lists.act-europe.fr
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 17:32:44 +0200

> I managed to check out gvd sources from CVS earlier a while back, but now I
> get:

Thanks, we will investigate.

> Also, last time I tried, I wasn't able to build anything because GtkAda
> and/or gnat was too old, although I was using the latest distributions I
> could find - in RPM format, anyway.

You usually need the CVS version of GtkAda to build GVD, but without
more details, there's not much we can say.

> Speaking of RPM, a .spec file for gvd would also be nice, as I absolutely
> refuse to install anything directly from source.

GVD binaries are available at libre.act-europe.fr, so you do not need to
install from source. If you want to contribute a .spec file, that'd be great.
