[gtkada] Obsolescent packages

Bertus bertus.dries at planet.nl
Wed Jan 27 09:09:19 CET 2021

To All,

I am a Windows 10 user and in search for Graphical design program for 
GtkAda (I am using the latest version of Gtk downloaded from AdaCore) 
which creates ADA code . I need to use ADA code for instance because I 
use variable /_Strings _/because I am creating multilanguage programs so 
I need /Open_text(Language)/ instead of /"Open"/. Glade cannot do this. 
When looking at Rapid it looked like the solution but wirh this problems 
I am not sure, the version is an old one.
There is a second problem. I do miss a good description to install TCL 
and Rapid, all are described in a unix like sequence while in Windows 
these thing are not very simple to do, a set of install programs for the 
different parts would be a nice solution.

Bertus Dries

Op 27-1-2021 om 5:54 schreef Thomas De Contes:
> Hi :-)
> As RAPID maintainer, I try to update RAPID to compile with more recent GtkAda.
> Currently, it compiles with GtkAda 2.24.4, from ubuntu 16.04.
> I try to update it to GtkAda 16.1.0, from ubuntu 18.04, before the end of life of ubuntu 16.04 soon.
> (I don't understand if it's actually version 16.1.0 or 17.0:
> https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libgtkada16.1.0-dev )
> I start from the Releases Tags:
> https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/tags
> Then I look at gtkada-2.24.3:
> https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/commit/124db892040cd356942b28b9286414857126c1dd
> and gtkada-3.4.0:
> https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/commit/f405b9e6f5b77a55e312cd54f9155ecd03619bf9
> When I compile, I get:
> mcc-tki-widget-dropdown.adb:30:09: warning: with of obsolescent package "Combo" declared at gtk-combo.ads:64
> Then in gtkada-2.24.3, I look at gtk-combo.ads:
> https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/blob/124db892040cd356942b28b9286414857126c1dd/src/generated/gtk-combo.ads
> l54:
> --  </description>
> --  <screenshot>gtk-combo</screenshot>
> --  <group>Obsolescent widgets</group>
> --  <see>Gtk.Combo_Box</see>
> l70:
> package Gtk.Combo is
>     pragma Obsolescent;
> Fine. So I'm not surprised to not find gtk-combo.ads in gtkada-3.4.0.
> Now, I have something to do with Gtk.Pixmap. So I look at gtk-pixmap.ads:
> https://github.com/AdaCore/gtkada/blob/124db892040cd356942b28b9286414857126c1dd/src/generated/gtk-pixmap.ads
> l30:
> --  <description>
> --
> --
> --  </description>
> --  <group>Obsolescent widgets</group>
> l47:
> package Gtk.Pixmap is
> ... and no "pragma Obsolescent;" !
> Then, I AM surprised to not find gtk-pixmap.ads in gtkada-3.4.0 !
> I deduce from that Gtk.Pixmap is actually Obsolescent.
> Well, there are 2 questions:
> 1
> Why "pragma Obsolescent;" was not set for Gtk.Pixmap ?
> 2
> How to know the list of Obsolescent packages that my project uses ?
> Maybe I can recover it if it is possible to:
> - get a list of actually Obsolescent packages of gtkada-2.24.3 or 2.24.4
> - get a list of all GtkAda packages that my project actually uses
> Then, I could find packages that are in both lists, and have an idea of work ahead of me.
> I'll just have to find where they are used ...
> Hope there'll be someone to help me. :-)

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