[gtkada] Patches for gtkada-2.24.4 with gnat-pro-17.x (and higher)

BEAUGY Alexandre alexandre.beaugy at thalesgroup.com
Wed Mar 6 14:42:36 CET 2019

Dear all,

For those who still need to work with Gtk2 to build their Ada graphical
solution, but don't want to stay stuck with gnat(-pro) 7.2.2, and so using
gnat(-pro)-17.x (or higher), I've managed to setup a set of patches to allow
anyone to build a Gtk2 Ada project with gnat-pro-17.x (or higher).

First of all, I want to clarify a few things to explain my context:
- My target is el7.x86_64
- I want and I need to work with the latest gnat(-pro) available
- The GTK HMIs of my solution are stuck in gtk2 in the short-term (gtk3
migration only considered at a longer term)
- I don't want to carry an Adacore gtk2 binaries bundle at runtime (i.e.
gtk+-2.24.8-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tgz), so I'm working with gtk2 libraries
provided by el7

Now that the context is given, here is my approach:

First of all, to avoid any misunderstanding, the solution I will detail below
is mainly based on Fedora Project's work on gtkada2 (thanks to them), that's
why a big part of my solution come from there. But, as you will soon notice, I
did not do the full Fedora Project job, as I skipped all the "Fedora
Project -- Ada Packaging" specific stuff.

So let's go :

1. I first studied the patches extracted from GtkAda-2.24.2-19.fc24.src.rpm
and applicable to gtkada2-2.24.2

2. Then I did a(n incomplete) work of creating an equivalent set of patches
adapted to gtkada2-2.24.4, which led me to the following:
2.a. Patches *not* adapted:
(considered Fedora Project specific, or too much time consuming to fix, or
even already fixed in 2.24.*4*)
- GtkAda-2.14.1-multilib_gpr.patch
- GtkAda-2.14.1-multilib_gtkada-config.patch
- GtkAda-2.18.0-gl_placement.patch
- GtkAda-2.18.0-no_include_gmain.patch
- GtkAda-2.24.2-configuration-5.patch
- GtkAda-2.24.2-source_dir.patch
2.b. Patches adapted to gtkada2-2.24.2:
- GtkAda-2.18.0-link_as_needed.patch
- GtkAda-2.18.0-lm.patch
- GtkAda-2.24.2-man_xref.patch
- GtkAda-2.24.2-no_extern_inline.patch
- GtkAda-2.24.2-stringcopy.patch

3. I fixed GPR errors (non-blocking in gnat-pro-17.2 /*blocking* in
gnat-pro-19.1) in one last patch
(this patch includes one snippet -- simplified version of one debian GNU/Linux
script: library-cfg.sh
- GtkAda-2.24.4-gnatmake_cargs.patch

4. I determined the following order of application of patches based on
GtkAda.spec (from GtkAda-2.24.2-19.fc24.src.rpm):
4.a. GtkAda-2.18.0-lm.patch
4.b. GtkAda-2.18.0-link_as_needed.patch
4.c. GtkAda-2.24.2-man_xref.patch
4.d. GtkAda-2.24.2-stringcopy.patch
4.e. GtkAda-2.24.2-no_extern_inline.patch
4.f. GtkAda-2.24.4-gnatmake_cargs.patch

5. Then I built my gtkada2 that way:
  rm -rf /var/tmp/maestro-env.WK01yNE3Io/gtkada-2.24.4-src
  tar -C /var/tmp/maestro-env.WK01yNE3Io -xf gtkada-2.24.4-src.tgz
  pushd /var/tmp/maestro-env.WK01yNE3Io/gtkada-2.24.4-src
  patch -Np1 -i GtkAda-2.18.0-lm.patch
  patch -Np1 -i  GtkAda-2.18.0-link_as_needed.patch
  patch -Np1 -i GtkAda-2.24.2-man_xref.patch
  patch -Np1 -i GtkAda-2.24.2-stringcopy.patch
  patch -Np1 -i GtkAda-2.24.2-no_extern_inline.patch
  patch -Np1 -i GtkAda-2.24.4-gnatmake_cargs.patch
  make install

I finally checked that my solution build and run properly with my newly built
It did!
Successfully tested with gnat-pro-17.2 and gnat-pro-19.1.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Alexandre BEAUGY
[@@ OPEN @@]

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