[gtkada] Custom widget (GtkCheckButton) in column header of GtkTreeView

Rob Groen robgr at xs4all.nl
Thu Aug 23 10:45:14 CEST 2018


I've been struggling with using a custom widget, in my case a 
GtkCheckButton, in de GtkTreeViewColumn. I noticed the following, note 
that I had the column set to Clickable:
1) After using Set_Widget, an explicit Show_All on the check button is 
required to make it visible in the tree view column header. It doesn't 
become visible when doing a Show_All on the containing window.

2) In order to be able to activate the check button in the header, a 
call to Show_All on the window must be done >before< calling Set_Widget 
on the tree view column, no matter the clickability of the column or of 
the tree view header. If these calls are done in a different order there 
is no obvious way to be able to activate the check button in the column 
header. It has taken me quite some time to get it working and then only 
by accident.

Does any know why this is so, especially for 2). I couldn't find 
anything in documentation or comments in code that says why (but that 
could be due to my bad searching).

As for check buttons, why is the inconsistency state only visible when 
the button is not active. If it is active and inconsistency is set to 
true, there is no change in the way the button looks.

Rob Groen

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