[gtkada] Future of GtkAda Windows XP support

Dmitry A. Kazakov mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de
Mon Jan 23 11:38:11 CET 2017

On 23/01/2017 11:00, Gautier de Montmollin wrote:

> If your target is only Windows, you could consider using the GWindows framework (*).

It is almost newer only Windows and frequently advanced widgets are 
needed. Another important point is re-use. Some modules are used across 
several projects even if some them are single-platform.

In rare cases I did several Ada GUI projects in pure Win32 API. GNAT has 
mature Win32Ada bindings, with additions for missing API's, it is fine 
to me.

Windows GDI is not that bad or difficult. Yes, it deploys very clumsy 
data structures uncomfortable to use in either C or Ada, but otherwise 
it is easier in some aspects than GTK, especially regarding tasking 
issues and *if* GUI layout is based on fixed forms.

I don't fully understand motivations for GWindows or Claw, because the 
only reason to me why I am using GTK is for platform independence. I am 
not a fan of GTK design.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

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