[gtkada] [ANN] XNAdaLib 2014 binaries for MacOS 10.9 including GTKAda 3.8 and more.

Pascal p.p14 at orange.fr
Tue Sep 2 17:57:28 CEST 2014


Before building GTKAda, I’ve made a few changes.

Here are some details:

./configure: keep previous LDFLAGS for Darwin target
./src/gtkada-intl.ads: add some needed declarations as Bind_Text_Domain_Codeset, Setlocale, Getlocale.
./src/gtkada-intl.gpb: body of previous declarations.
./src/tools/gtkada-config.in: add needed target flags for Darwin static target
./testgtk/Makefile.in: install also .ui files
./testgtk/create_css_editor.adb: style corrections
./testgtk/create_print.adb: style corrections

See attached diff file:
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HTH, Pascal.

Le 31 août 2014 à 21:26, Pascal <p.p14 at orange.fr> a écrit :

> Hello,
> This is XNAdaLib 2014 built on MacOS X 10.9 Mavericks for Native Quartz including:
> - GTK Ada 3.8.2 with GTK+ 3.10.7 complete for Quartz backend,
> - Glade 3.16.1,
> - GnatColl GPL 2014,
> - Florist GPL 2014,
> - AdaCurses 20110404,
> - Gate 3-04-b,
> - AICWL 3.9 (http://www.dmitry-kazakov.de/ada/aicwl.htm with Components 4.1 and gtksourceview 3.10.1),
> to be installed (mandatory) at /usr/local:
> $ cd /usr/local
> $ sudo tar xzf xnadalib-gpl-2014-quartz-x86_64-apple-darwin13.3.0-bin.tgz
> Update your PATH to include gtkada-config, glade, gate3.sh and other executables in it:
> $ PATH=/usr/local/xnadalib-2014/bin:$PATH
> Update your GPR_PROJECT_PATH to include gtkada.gpr, adacurses.gpr, florist.gpr,
> gnatcoll.gpr, gtkada_aicwl.gpr and other projects in it:
> $ export GPR_PROJECT_PATH=/usr/local/xnadalib-2014/lib/gnat:$GPR_PROJECT_PATH
> Set XDG_DATA_DIRS for GNOME apps:
> $ export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/xnadalib-2014/share
> Glade and GPS applications in apps directory must stay in this directory unless
> you modify the script inside apps.
> Then see READMEs, documentation and examples in share directory and enjoy.
> XNAdaLib binaries have been post on Source Forge:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuada/files/GNAT_GPL%20Mac%20OS%20X/2014-mavericks/
> The instructions for building XNAdaLib are here:
> (French language)
> http://blady.pagesperso-orange.fr/telechargements/gtkada/Install-GTKAda-Quartz.pdf
> Here is the modifications I made:
> http://blady.pagesperso-orange.fr/telechargements/gtkada/xadalib-2014-diff.tgz
> Feel free to send comments on the list.
> Regards, Pascal.
> http://blady.pagesperso-orange.fr

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