[gtkada] Cannot move Gtkada Canvas Item

Michael González Harbour mgh at unican.es
Tue Apr 8 10:24:15 CEST 2014

>> I am using a Gtkada Canvas under version gtkada-3.4.2-gpl. If I move a Canvas_Item with the mouse very far to the right then I cannot move it back. I can click on it and the appropriate callback is invoked, but I can no longer move it.
> How far is "very far" ?
> On the current development version, I cannot reproduce the issue with testgtk. I can still select the item,
> and move it back to where it was. The new GPL release should arrive in the coming month I believe, so the
> simplest might simply to wait.
> What happens if you zoom back, can you see all items including the one you moved far right ?


Thank you very much for your quick reply. The problem appears as soon as 
I move the item outside the initial visible area. It also happens if I 
create the item outside that initial visible area. I can scroll and see 
the item but not move it. I also noticed that if I click and move the 
mouse to select elements a grey box appears in the original visible 
area, but it will not expand further than the initial visible area.

If I zoom out then the problem disappears and I can see and move all the 

If the problem is solved in the development version I can wait for the 
next release.

Best regards,


Michael Gonzalez Harbour                  E-mail: mgh at unican.es
Grupo de Computadores y Tiempo Real       URL: http://www.ctr.unican.es
Facultad de Ciencias                      Phone : +34-942-201483
Universidad de Cantabria                  Fax   : +34-942-201402
Avda. de los Castros s/n
E-39005 Santander

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