[gtkada] Simultaneous installation Gtkada 2.x and 3.x

Vitalij Bondarenko vibondare at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 10:08:27 CEST 2013

Hello all,

I wrote two patches for simultaneous installation Gtkada 2.x and 3.x on Linux.
This patches works and tested on openSUSE 12.3 with GNAT GPL 2013 installed.

1. gtkada2-multiversion.patch.gz -- patch for Gtkada 2.24.4 (svn rev. 211351)
2. gtkada3-multiversion.patch.gz -- patch for Gtkada 3.4.2 from GNAT GPL 2013
3. gtkada-2-3_dirtree.txt -- my list contents of directories in a tree-like
   format after install both Gtkada version.

To compile using GtkAda, import in your project the gtkada2.gpr project file
for version 2.x, the gtkada3.gpr project file for version 3.x, 

with "gtkada2";
project My_Gtk2_Project is
end My_Gtk2_Project;

with "gtkada3";
project My_Gtk3_Project is
end My_Gtk3_Project;

An installation Gtkada on MS Windows has no changes.

Vitaliy Bondarenko
E-Mail: vibondare at gmail.com
Registered Linux User #403984 (http://linuxcounter.net/)
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