[gtkada] SVN

John Marino adacore at marino.st
Thu Jul 4 09:30:59 CEST 2013

On 7/4/2013 09:16, Emmanuel Briot wrote:
>> From what I can tell, Adacore just picks a point in the trunk and
>> packages that, but it doesn't tag and/or release at the version
>> change.  What would be normal (in the case of xmlada) is that the
>> trunk be versioned as 4.4w, but prior to that 4.3 is branched and
>> released.  And then bug fixes get applied to both the 4.3 branch
>> and the trunk.  That workflow may happen internally but it's not
>> exposed.
> That's of course exactly what we do, and currently there are no plans
> to make other branches accessible outside of the company.

I'm curious why this is such a bit deal for the sysadmins.  I would have 
thought this is a simple configuration update, and really only once as 
future branches would probably be covered.  I understand there are no 
plans and it's not going to happen, but the "this will overload the 
admins" does not sound right (or implies some training is needed).

> You are trying to package the tools on one platform. Imagine we are
> doing it on 45 platforms (or so). Doing one release is a huge amount
> of work, and we do not have the resources to do more than one per
> year for the libre site.

To be clear, a "release" in this context means a source tarball.  I'm 
not talking about providing executables.  So it's not a "huge amount of 
work", it's making a branch of the trunk and creating an official 
tarball from it.  I say this because it looks like we are talking apples 
to oranges here.

> I do not make the decisions here, but you should not hold your breath
> because things are unlikely to change in that respect any time soon.

Yes, Adacore is nothing if not consistent.  This has always been the case.

> For those who still want access to the GtkAda 2 branch, I would
> recommend getting a copy now. We are not doing any development on it
> for the time being, so you will not be missing much when we finally
> switch the branches.

Obviously done, but it's working around some seriously non-standard work 


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