[gtkada] SVN

Nicolas Setton setton at adacore.com
Wed Jul 3 20:25:39 CEST 2013

>> Why do you need this? The development has pretty much stopped in the
>> GtkAda 2 branch by now…
> I would like to flip the question and ask why there seems to be a policy to only expose the trunk and not the other branches.  

It is not a cast-in-stone policy… I'm open to exposing multiple branches, but it's quite the hassle for the sysadmins at AdaCore, so I would need to present strong arguments.

> From a packaging POV, this is caused me numerous issues since there is not a classic RELEASE tarball,  The next best thing would be the head of a release branch.  I don't see any reason why both branches can't and shouldn't be exposed.

Regarding classic RELEASE tarballs, is there something that you expect in particular on top of what is already available through libre.adacore.com?


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