[gtkada] Make Gtkada help to keep your computer tidy

Bertus Dries bertus.dries at planet.nl
Fri Sep 7 16:20:32 CEST 2012

I am using Gtk now for some time, but only since a short time I am using some more advanced things. This meant also using gtkada.gpr.

Now is it my intention to keep my computer tidy, therefor I partitioned my disk in a C:, D: E: and F: disk with the following purposes:
C:  Operating system and Office like applications.
D:  All other applications.
E:  Personal data like letters, programming files and so on.
F:  Mass Data like Photo, Films and Music.

This means that The GNAT applications and GtkAda  are positioned on D:
Further on All Programs and related data should be positioned in the directories “Program Files”or “Program Files (86)”.

Neither GNAT nor Gtkada not standard in one of these directories. I don’t mind switching the disk but such installations should not come in the root directory.

Even worse is what happens within Gtkada where the some directories in the standard gtkada.gpr file points to a not existing location if I install my GtkAda in the 
following directory : D:\Program Files\GNAT\GtkAda

Of course I can change that but with every update of Gtkada I should change it again and that is not users friendly.

I would like to ask for a change in that file which would always create a correct location.

The line below is an example of what I had to do.
for Source_Dirs use ("D:\Program Files\GNAT\Gtkada\include\gtkada");

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