[gtkada] distributing GtkAda apps

Gour gour at atmarama.net
Fri Oct 26 11:20:17 CEST 2012

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 10:31:58 +0200
Ludovic Brenta <ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org> wrote:

> I think you can link your application statically or dynamically
> against GtkAda but you cannot link statically against GTK+.  

So, it is nothing special in regard to distribution of binaries in
regard to GtkAda, right?

> When deploying your application in binary form, you'll have to install
> a shared version of GTK+ along with your binary application; the
> shared GtkAda is optional depending on how you link your application.

For Windows, it means to ship GTK+ runtime, right?

So, it makes sense to provide the application using some installer like
NSIS which provides required DLLs?

> Does that answer your question?

I think so. What about Mac OS X? I know GTK+ port is advancing, but it's
still not there...

> If you are concerned about Windows (and you should be), 

Heh. :-)

> I suggest you look at how AdaCore package GPS, since GPS is a (large)
> GtkAda app.

Thank you.

I'll primarily focus on my native platforms (Free/PCBSD & Linux), but
it's good to know there is not any extra hassle to provide application
for Windows & Mac OS X fellows.


He is a perfect yogī who, by comparison to his own self, 
sees the true equality of all beings, in both their 
happiness and their distress, O Arjuna!

http://www.atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810
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