[gtkada] Basic questions about GtkAda
Gautier de Montmollin
gdemont at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 5 13:35:45 CEST 2012
Found some answers by comparing the doc of both versions...
So, as I understand it...
1) Until 2.x there was an Ada code generator, Gate. With the newer version, there is no more code generator, the UI information contained in the .glade file is loaded dynamically and objects.
2-3) There is no more worry about the generated code since there is no more generated code...
Now it raise another question: with Gate you got a package
package Azip_Pkg is
type Azip_Record is new Gtk_Window_Record with record
Vbox2 : Gtk_Vbox;
Menubar1 : Gtk_Menu_Bar;
Menuitem4 : Gtk_Menu_Item;
Menuitem4_Menu : Gtk_Menu;
New_Archive : Gtk_Image_Menu_Item;
Image13 : Gtk_Image;
Open_Archive : Gtk_Image_Menu_Item;
So for instance you could have a panel with buttons inside, as Ada objects, right ? And it was possible to change dynamically items' properties, I suppose.
In GWindows, it would be things like: my_panel.button_2.Text("New label for this button");
Now, if there is no more generated code, where are the objects, e.g. the buttons ? Is everything going through callbacks ?
Thanks for any light...
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