[gtkada] Basic questions about GtkAda

Gautier de Montmollin gdemont at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 5 12:47:52 CEST 2012

Here are a some basic questions from a total GtkAda beginner - they are so basic that I did not find an answer in the "GtkAda User's Guide".
1) I have created a project with GLADE from the GPL 2011 for Windows version (probably 2.x).
GLADE generated Ada code with the corresponding objects, callbacks, etc. . 
Now with GPL 2012 there is a GLADE with a nicer look, but I can't find the way of generating Ada code.
So, my question: how to generate the packages with the newer GLADE ?
2) When I change the body of the callback package (say Azip_Pkg.Callbacks) by replacing the "null;" by real actions, does GLADE preserve the code on next code generation ?
3) More generally, what packages are generated as stub (so, meant to be generated once per project), and what packages are regenerated upon project changes ?
Thanks in advance!
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