[gtkada] [Fwd: patches: missing shared-libgcc + DESTDIR support]

John Marino adacore at marino.st
Sat Feb 5 14:45:54 CET 2011

On 2/4/2011 9:04 AM, Arnaud Charlet wrote:
> Can you explain how the DESTDIR change works and is intended to be used?
> If you could also update the Windows sections, that would make it easier to
> integrate the patch, since integrating a partial/inconsistent patch is much
> trickier.
>>              $(MAKE) -C glade install; \
>>              $(MAKE) -C gnome install; \
>>              $(MAKE) -C tools install; \
>> -	   $(CHMOD) ugo-w $(alidir)/static/*.ali; \
>> -	   if [ $(BUILD_SHARED) = yes ]; then \
>> -	      $(CHMOD) ugo-w $(alidir)/relocatable/*.ali; \
>> -	   fi; \
>>   	fi
> The above hunk on src/Makefile.in looks wrong/unjustified though, can you
> clarify?
> Arno

I heard back from Matthias on this:

"Hmm - yes, this one is unnecessary. chown, and chmod if it sets
setuid or so, can cause problems for installs by non-privileged
users, so I've just removed the lines. See that it only removes
write permissions -- I think is unnecessary to do in general,
that's what the umask is for. But this is Adacore's choice."

So that was the logic for removing those lines.


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