[gtkada] More on File_Chooser_Dialog

Robert Love rblove_lists at comcast.net
Thu Dec 9 19:39:18 CET 2010

I'm trying to build an application using File_Chooser_Dialog.  I can make it run but I always get a GTK-Warning, like this:

(chooser:17536): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to find default local directory monitor type

What does it mean?   I've tried Googling for at msg but mostly I see a reference OSX.  I'm running on RH 4.

What is a "directory monitor" and how is a default one set?

Also, I don't want a parent window.  At least not for this project.  What I'm doing is creating a window to use as parent but not performing a Show.  Is there a better way?

procedure Chooser is

 Parent_Window       : Gtk_Window;       
 My_Dialog           : Gtk.File_Chooser_Dialog.Gtk_File_Chooser_Dialog;
 Action              : Gtk.File_Chooser.File_Chooser_Action := Action_Open;

 --  Creates a new window
 Gtk.Window.Gtk_New (Parent_Window);
 --  Show (Parent_Window);   why bother?

    "Open File",

   if Gtk.Dialog.Run (Gtk_Dialog (My_Dialog)) =
      Gtk.Dialog.Gtk_Response_Accept then
   end if;

end Chooser;

Yes, I'm not calling Destroy or don't have any handlers.  This is just my first attempt at using this widget.  I just want to understand the Warning first.

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