[gtkada] Addition of Gdk_New_From_Data into Gdk.Pixbuf
Anne et Damien Carbonne
aetdcarbonne at free.fr
Mon Jul 13 13:03:38 CEST 2009
As Gdk_New_From_Data is currently missing from Gdk.Pixbuf, I created a
binding for it (in a child package of Gtk.Pixbuf).
Would you consider adding this directly into to Gtk.Pixbuf?
Is the attached code sufficient or would you prefer a diff?
Damien Carbonne
-- Specification
-- with System;
type Guchar_Array_Ptr is access all Guchar_Array;
type Gdk_Destroy_Notify is access procedure
(Pixels : in out Guchar_Array_Ptr;
Data : System.Address);
function Gdk_New_From_Data
(Data : Guchar_Array_Ptr;
Colorspace : Gdk_Colorspace := Colorspace_RGB;
Has_Alpha : Boolean := False;
Bits_Per_Sample : Gint := 8;
Width : Gint;
Height : Gint;
Rowstride : Gint;
Destroy_Fn : Gdk_Destroy_Notify := null;
Destroy_Fn_Data : System.Address := System.Null_Address)
return Gdk_Pixbuf;
-- Creates a new GdkPixbuf out of in-memory image data.
-- Currently only RGB images with 8 bits per sample are supported.
-- Width and Height must be > 0
-- Rowstride is the distance in bytes between row starts.
-- A typical value is 4 * Width when ther is an Alpha channel.
-- Destroy_Fn is an access to a procedure used to free data when the
-- pixbuf's reference count drops to zero, or null if teh data
should not
-- be freed.
-- Destroy_Fn_Data is the closure data to pass to the destroy
-- procedure.
-- This function returns the newly-created GdkPixbuf structure with a
-- reference count of 1
-- Body
-- with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-- with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
type Proxy_Data is record
Pixels : Guchar_Array_Ptr;
Destroy_Fn : Gdk_Destroy_Notify;
Destroy_Fn_Data : System.Address;
end record;
-- This is used as a proxy object to do minimum conversions from C types
-- to Ada types.
-- By copying Pixels (access) in this record, we avoid warnings at
-- instantiation of System.Address_To_Access_Conversions
-- with unconstrained arrays.
type Proxy_Data_Ptr is access Proxy_Data;
procedure Proxy_Destroy
(Pixels : System.Address;
Data : System.Address); -- expected to be of type Proxy_Data_Ptr
-- Gdk_New_From_Data --
function Gdk_New_From_Data
(Data : Guchar_Array_Ptr;
Colorspace : Gdk_Colorspace := Colorspace_RGB;
Has_Alpha : Boolean := False;
Bits_Per_Sample : Gint := 8;
Width : Gint;
Height : Gint;
Rowstride : Gint;
Destroy_Fn : Gdk_Destroy_Notify := null;
Destroy_Fn_Data : System.Address := System.Null_Address)
return Gdk_Pixbuf
function Internal
(Data : System.Address;
Colorspace : Gdk_Colorspace;
Has_Alpha : GBoolean;
Bits_Per_Sample : Gint;
Width : Gint;
Height : Gint;
Row_Stride : Gint;
Destroy_Fn : System.Address;
Destroy_Fn_Data : System.Address)
return Gdk_Pixbuf;
pragma Import (C, Internal, "gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data");
use type System.Address;
if Destroy_Fn /= null then
-- Create a proxy data only if the user has provided
-- a destroy function.
-- If only destroy_fn_data has been provided, this is an error
C_Data : constant Proxy_Data_Ptr := new Proxy_Data;
C_Data.Destroy_Fn := Destroy_Fn;
C_Data.Destroy_Fn_Data := Destroy_Fn_Data;
C_Data.Pixels := Data;
return Internal
Colorspace, Boolean'Pos (Has_Alpha), Bits_Per_Sample,
Width, Height, Rowstride,
Proxy_Destroy'Address, C_Data.all'Address);
pragma Assert (Destroy_Fn_Data = System.Null_Address);
return Internal
Colorspace, Boolean'Pos (Has_Alpha), Bits_Per_Sample,
Width, Height, Rowstride,
System.Null_Address, System.Null_Address);
end if;
end Gdk_New_From_Data;
-- Proxy_Destroy --
procedure Proxy_Destroy
(Pixels : System.Address;
Data : System.Address)
use type System.Address;
function To_Ada is new
Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Proxy_Data_Ptr);
procedure Free is new
Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Proxy_Data, Proxy_Data_Ptr);
Ada_Data : Proxy_Data_Ptr := To_Ada (Data);
pragma Assert (Ada_Data /= null);
pragma Assert (Pixels = Ada_Data.Pixels.all'Address);
Ada_Data.Destroy_Fn.all (Ada_Data.Pixels, Ada_Data.Destroy_Fn_Data);
Free (Ada_Data);
end Proxy_Destroy;
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