[gtkada] Creating Stock Buttons in GtkAda

Rick Duley rickduley at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 03:19:59 CEST 2009

For the past week or so I have been attempting to create my own 'From Stock'
button and keypad in GtkAda.  These would have been widgets which could have
been imported into other widgets without the user being aware of their inner

I have come to the conclusion that this is _impossible_ in GtkAda.  The only
such 'Stock' items are those imported from Gtk+.
Is that correct?  (If so I can forget about it and get on with what I _can_
do ;}
Rick Duley
North Perth,
Western Australia
                                    /     \
                              perth *_.-._/
aussie : 0409 106 049
o'seas : +61 409 106 049
"Wise men profit more from fools
     than fools from wise men;
for the wise shun the mistakes of fools
      but fools do not imitate
                the successes of the wise."
                   Marcus Cato (234-149 BC)
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