[gtkada] Re: GtkAda Windows

Stefan Bellon sbellon at sbellon.de
Fri Mar 30 00:32:32 CEST 2007

"Camek, Alexander" wrote:

>  case Common.OS is
>  			when "VMS" =>
> 				null;
>       when "linux" | "Unix" =>
>          null;
>       when "windows" | "Windows_NT" =>
>          for Library_Options
>            use -- GtkAda.Linker'Linker_Options &
>      			   		(Common.Path & "\framework\" &
>               Framework'Object_Dir & "\framework.lib");
>    end case;

As I see, you are using what I suggested in comp.lang.ada, but you have
commented out the GtkAda.Linker'Linker_Options. The result of which is,
that you get missing symbols from GtkAda when linking.

Stefan Bellon

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