[gtkada] GtkAda Windows

Camek, Alexander Alexander.Camek at Elektrobit.com
Thu Mar 29 11:55:26 CEST 2007

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gtkada-bounces at lists.adacore.com 
> [mailto:gtkada-bounces at lists.adacore.com] On Behalf Of Dmitry A. 
> Kazakov
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 11:15 AM
> To: gtkada
> Subject: Re: [gtkada] GtkAda Windows
> On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:58:21 +0200, you wrote:
> > I want to port an ada programm, running under linux with gtk, to 
> > windows.
> [...]
> What about:
> gnatmake -IC:/GtkAda/include/gtkada my_program.adb -largs -mwindows

Okay: -largs -mwindows => says only, that I don't want to have a cmd
dialog to open, when i run my programm. So that's not what I want.
But here I build a library for windows, so I use: gnatmake
-Ic:\gtkada\include\gtkada -Pmy_programm -largs -mdll And yes, i have my
Gtkada in my path and the path is set before the path to gnat!

And my project file looks like that:

-- -*- mode: Ada;-*-
with "common";
with "framework";
with "GtkAda";
with "images";

Project my_programm is
 for Library_Name use "my_programm";

 for Source_Dirs  use ("./");
 for Library_Dir  use "lib";
 for Object_Dir   use "obj";
 for Library_Kind use "dynamic";
 for Library_Interface use
 case Common.OS is
 			when "VMS" =>
      when "linux" | "Unix" =>
      when "windows" | "Windows_NT" =>
         for Library_Options
           use -- GtkAda.Linker'Linker_Options &
					(Common.Path & "\framework\" &
Framework'Object_Dir & "\framework.lib");
   end case;
 package Linker   renames Common.Linker; (-> default switches: -g)
 package Compiler renames Common.Compiler; (-> as default: -g -O2 -gnatq
-gnatwl)  package Builder  renames Common.Builder; 
 package Ide      renames Common.Ide;
end my_programm; 

But when i compile it, it get the previous explaines linker error!



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