[gtkada] Problems with type Rgb_Buffer in Gdk.Rgb and function Gtk_New in Gtk.File_Selection

Dmitry A. Kazakov mailbox at dmitry-kazakov.de
Sat Mar 10 15:49:49 CET 2007

On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 15:00:25 +0100, you wrote:

> 1. My first problem is about package Gdk.Rgb and type Rgb_Buffer. This
> type seems already constrained, thus I can't constrain myself. But when I
> don't constraint it a storage error is raised. There's no function which
> return rgb_buffer, so I don't understanf how use it. I have seen one
> report on this problem but the solution doesn't work (see this mail list :
> subject : "Using Gdk.RGB.Draw_RGB_Image". May 2001). Is somebody have an
> explanation ?

It is constrained because only constrained arrays can be passed down to C.
Unconstrained Ada arrays have a dope C would not understand.

If you want to use Gdk.RGB to manipulate client-side images, you probably
should make a pair of helper types of your own.

I am using the following (for color images, Gdk.RGB offers other image
types as well):

      -- The pixel encoded as draw_rgb_image expects
   type RGB_Pixel is record
      Red   : GUChar;
      Green : GUChar;
      Blue  : GUChar;
   end record;
   pragma Convention (C, RGB_Pixel);

      -- A function to convert Gdk_Color to RGB pixel
   function To_RGB_Pixel (Color : Gdk_Color) return RGB_Pixel is
      function To_GUChar (Value : GUInt16) return GUChar is
         pragma Inline (To_GUChar);
         return GUChar (Value / 256);
      end To_GUChar;
      (  Red   => To_GUChar (Red   (Color)),
         Green => To_GUChar (Green (Color)),
         Blue  => To_GUChar (Blue  (Color))
   end To_RGB_Pixel;

      -- An RGB image
   type RGB_Image is
      array (Rows range <>, Colums range <>)
         of RGB_Pixel;
   pragma Convention (C, RGB_Image);

The RGB_Image is a two-dimensional array indexed by integer types of rows
and columns. They could be any, but I prefer to have them distinct types. 

To draw this array onto a drawable (server-side) use

   procedure Draw_Pixels
             (  Drawable  : Gdk_Drawable;
                GC        : Gdk.Gdk_GC;
                X         : GInt;
                Y         : GInt;
                Width     : GInt;
                Height    : GInt;
                Dith      : Gdk.RGB.Gdk_Rgb_Dither;
                Rgb_Buf   : System.Address; -- System address, note
                Rowstride : GInt
   pragma Import (C, Draw_Pixels, "gdk_draw_rgb_image");

Let you have:

   Image : aliased RGB_Image (1..Height, 1..Width);

Then you can call Draw_Pixels as

   (  Drawable  => ...,
      GC        => ...,
      X         => ...,
      Y         => ...,
      RGB_Buf   => Image'Address,
      Dith      => Gdk.RGB.Dither_None,
      Rowstride => GInt (3 * Image'Length (2)),
      Width => Image'Length (2), -- You might also wish to clip image
      Height => Image'Length (1)  -- here

You can carelessly take Address from Image because Ada RM requires that
Image'Address would return the address of the first array element rather
than of the array.

Dmitry A. Kazakov

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