[gtkada] Problems with type Rgb_Buffer in Gdk.Rgb and function Gtk_New in Gtk.File_Selection

Hervé Guillaume nherveg at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 15:00:25 CET 2007

I'm new on this forum (and french, sorry for my english). I have some
problems and I hope someone can answer me.
1. My first problem is about package Gdk.Rgb and type Rgb_Buffer. This
type seems already constrained, thus I can't constrain myself. But when I
don't constraint it a storage error is raised. There's no function which
return rgb_buffer, so I don't understanf how use it. I have seen one
report on this problem but the solution doesn't work (see this mail list :
subject : "Using Gdk.RGB.Draw_RGB_Image". May 2001). Is somebody have an
explanation ?
2. My second problem is about package gtk.file_selection. When I used
fonction  procedure Gtk_New (File_Selection : out Gtk_File_Selection;
Title : UTF8_String); my program raise this message : "process exited
with status -1073741819". I tried function File_Selection_Dialog in the
package Gtkada.File_Selection, and I obtained exactly the same message. I
don't know why.
I hope somebody can help me, Thanks a lot,

Hervé Guillaume
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